Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Blowing up not far from the gate

We're only a week into Nablopomo, and already, I've been a bad girl and missed posting a day. Good thing I'm not an official participant. It would be disappointing to miss out on goodies just because I couldn't think up anything to post yesterday.

Actually, I probably could have come up with something, but after everything I had going on during the day yesterday, by the time it came time to blog...I was spent and elected to crawl into bed and watch election returns. Ain't I just thrilling?

So, while today was busy too, and I just got home from teaching and am again fairly spent, I am biting the proverbial bullet and putting up a post for your reading pleasure (ha!).

Apparently I must be a fair teacher, as some of my students on learning that tonight would be my last class with them (some of the class will be staying with me, and some will split off in preparation for a later test date) asked me nicely to teach the rest of their series. Awww....this despite the fact that I ran over tonight by 30 minutes. Patient bunch they are...

Oh...the hat I was wearing the other day? Not a hat. She's gonna be a felted bowl...if I can get around to making some mates and putting them through the wash. Really.

So today the little guy and I worked on some wet-in-wet watercolor painting. Now, this is the first time I have ever done this particular technique, and I have to say that we definitely need to work on our technique (and I on my mixing). After completing the painting process, I realized that I'd been painting on the wrong side of the watercolor paper. Oops. My boy, however, had it correct.

Jonah had the most fun wiping off the watercolors with paper towels and then putting more watercolor on. His first picture actually was pretty great, but I didn't get a chance to get a picture before he sprayed it with the water bottle and wiped it off.

They do this technique in the Waldorf school, and the result is very soft, flowing colors. The younger children work with one, then two, finally graduating to the three primary colors in an effort to get used to filling the page with color and then learning how the colors dance together. We worked with red and blue today (Jonah's choice), and the results were fun.

Here's a sample:

This was actually one of the ones that I did...on the wrong side of the paper. I'm curious to know what it might have looked like had I done it on the proper side of the paper. I also think that I needed to have more paint and less water in my mix. One of these days, I'll get around to taking a wet-in-wet class at Liam's school which they offer from time to time in their Adult Education series. Whatever the result, it was a good time.

1 comment:

Stinky Mouse said...

I'm right below you on the NBloPoMo list (Stinky Mouse) and I clicked on you from there. Our two older sons (16 and 18 now) both went to Waldorf and my wife taught a class there for 1st and 2nd grade! We are hoping that our youngest son will be able to attend there as well - he's just turning 4 this december so he has a little time still.